Prayer and walking are historical activities to the Christian faith it seems. We can pray in cars, planes, trains, on horseback or a roller-coaster too! Its actively petitioning God, a cry to heaven so to speak (more to come on this in future days) for His fullness to come to the lives of our neighbors, our city's and towns. Prayer walking has power to transform the spiritual landscape of your community.
Hosea had some words about prayer walking (calling on God for others) that were life giving then and now. He said this to Israel:
...'Plant the good seeds of righteousness, and you will harvest a crop of love. Plow up the hard ground of your hearts, for now is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and shower righteousness upon you.'
"Plow up the hard ground" by seeking the Lord Hosea encouraged. The hearts of people are like parched sun-dried earth hardened from pain, confusion, anger, un-forgiveness, religion and so many other things. The burden of sin weighs on the mind and conscious relentlessly.
Prayer opens the door for the moving of Gods Spirit and claims the ground that darkness longs to clutch. You will see the power of God released in your community through prayer walking.
You are praying on site with insight!
Interestingly and reciprocally I am noticing that I am transformed through this process too. God is touching people by prayer walking and he is transforming me to through the process too.
Our prayers are prophetic proclamations combined with imagination and faith for what will come in the future. What do you want to see in your neighborhood and streets? Do you like what you see now? What does God want to do there?
In the next blog I will give some helpers to more effective prayer walking. May God bless you and give you some comfortable shoes for prayer walking your neighborhood and friends to do it with!