Friday, November 7, 2008

Calling James Dobson bad names

I have a friend who sent a comment to my Facebook saying "I think James Dobson is a tool"  Being a kind of old _art I really needed to know just what a tool is!

 I didn't think it was good and my friend confirmed that it was not complementary at all.  

I like my  careless friend and I understand his disdain for right wing politics and  political postures that can alienate anyone who doesn't see issues with the tolerance that some liberals are asking for. 

I confess that a lot of right wing stuff needs a love tune up!   But calling James Dobson a tool? This isn't good and here is why. I am old enough  to remember the Presidents counsel on pornography and the thankless months that Dr. Dobson spent testifying before congress trying to show the Government the degrading effects  that this stuff has on a nation. His family was threatened, his picture was inserted in crude images, in short he paid the price for serving.

I am also thinking of the thousands of families that have been healed (some I have refered to FOF personally) by the ministry of Focus on the Family. Counselors are arranged, intervention takes place, children are helped, gays are given compassionate help out of a destructive and lonely lifestyle and the list goes on and on. 

Then  there are the "next to free"  Pastors encouragment seminars that they sponsor for the weary people in ministry. Judy and I have been on the recieving end of these at times and we thank God for the refreshment from the press of peoples demands on us. 

In short, FOF isn't perfect (is anyone?) but the ministry is ready willing and able to serve anyone who calls. (If you don't believe me call them) And their rescources are free to anyone in need.

Check it out, think of the hundreds of thousands of children alive today just because Focus on the Family's ministry pro-actively saves children from abortion. (See smiling faces above)

So calling a man like James Dobson a "tool" is foolish and unloving  at the least. If I have 1/1000th  of the impact on my community that James Dobson  has had on his,  I will go home a happy man. You have my thanks James! 

And friend, do your homework before you judge a good man or woman  you disagree with. 

1 comment:

Jessica G. said...

Ron! Hey, I saw your blog on facebook and decided to check it out. I love this post. So many times we are quick to judge someone because of one or two things they did or believe in. But, we forget to take that step back and see all the good they have done. And, as you said, none of us are perfect. Seriously, this is a good post!