Friday, November 7, 2008

Finding new life one conversation at a time.

It is truly amazing what one conversation can yield in strengthened relationships, new insights and deeper understanding of people.

Jesus was teaching one day when the religious "powers that be"  brought to Him a woman caught in a moral trap, adultery. It was a test of Jesus moral DNA and it was designed to trap Him in His dealings with her.

 The stage was set, or set up, to convict Jesus of something that would give the Pharisees the right to centure him or worse.

Then he did that thing he was so famous for...he revealed the true heart of the Father in a few words...a simple conversation...a lesson in self-examination.

"Let Him who is without sin among you cast the first stone." He said.

He stooped to the ground, and  wrote,  perhaps dates, times, places or  secrets that only God could know. And one by one the Pharisees left, the oldest first.

Mercy, indeed, triumphs over judgement. 

How many of the Pharisees that day left that circle of judgment with a corrected heart?

 How rich is the discovery of Gods grace to a broken tearstained woman's face,  who needed love more that rocks thrown to break  her bones in punishment.

How redeeming is Jesus statement to her, "Go and sin no more."  

This was  one conversation that could start a whole new life for a troubled soul.

 Isn't that just like God?

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