Friday, November 7, 2008

Hi friends, 

Looking forward to the coming year, there is a flood of ideas spinning in my brain,  that are future looking. The first is the initiative  of informing   a new president of the values that I am hoping will prevail for our nation. 

The new president  won on a platform of CHANGE! What does change really mean. There are some things I don't want to change.  One of those things  is the security of my country against a very hostile enemy.

 After eight trips to the middle east and countless conversations with Muslims, Jews and Christians, I have learned that most of them  want to live in peace but are frustrated with the radical fringe of extremists that will stop at nothing to wipe out all freedom from free thinking people. Their motto (The radicals)   is "First the Saturday people (jews) and then the Sunday people (christians)"  They, (the radical fringe) mean  the elimination of these two groups.

 I want my president to stand vigilant against the compromise of the safety of this nation. Can he do that? Will he defend our  blood-bought freedom and honor the heritage of our Founding Fathers,  who fled tyranny to birth a new Nation? 

 I am concerned for my children and grandchildren who call America home. I am concerned for the nations of the world who look to America for guidance in troubled  times.

 I am longing from my new president,  substance,  rather than the political rhetoric that is all to common in the winning of an election. Yes,  I long for change; change that strengthens our grip against injustice at home and abroad  and preserves the nation that champions the worlds ability to speak and life free. Change?

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