Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy in this skin...

How often do humans search for an identity that is not there own? Wall street marketers are in constant study finding out who buys what and why...and how do they  get them to buy more!  Advertisements work hard at  influencing  the public into thinking that if they  just use this toothpaste,  all your relationship problems are over. Or this deodorant (AXE or somthing) and you are an instant success with the opposite sex. (Hey that stuff smells like what is used to take paint off a railing!)

After 29 years of marriage to Judy  (red hair) there is no more need to pose for effect, we just love and accept the wonderful way we age in grace!

The recent political scene had an interesting development that  was funny. When Sarah Palin made her debut thousands of soccer moms across America (and other parts of the world) had to have her look and shades! And me with NO stock in the eyeglass company! Dang it!  So what is the story. We look for an identity or fashion or "look" that makes us happy in our skin, for a while.

I recently met a great Elvis impersonator. He is more like Elvis than  Elvis but he really isn't Elvis! He just has the Elvis identity. What if there was Elvis for a day, globally? (There goes that tangentral mind again) 

Could it be that God has made us to be unique and not like everybody else?  How do individual's crafted by the Master Designer of life find out what is the true them..or the true you? How do we discover the real person inside us made to press the warm earth with our feet and raise our eyes to drink in the brilliance of sunkissed  clouds draped over misty mountains. 

Is this wisdom only in the old heads of the sages or can young hearts thrill to the self-discovery of their true purpose in life. (I have spent many years looking for Ron and at last I am finding where  this tangentral brain dances and why!) 

I think something very special happened in the creation of people. Jeremiah gives a clue when he says " I knew you before I formed you in your mothers womb..."

 The Hebrew word for "formed" is "yatsar" meaning to form of fashion. Literally fashioned in Gods heart and hands, individually. Just like a master craftsman makes a work of art, we are fashioned, specially, individually, purposefully as one of Gods masterpieces.  So if anyone says to you, "Your are a real piece of work!" be happy and say thank you!

So back to happy  in this skin. If we are fashioned so specially then there is a certain something that I can contribute to this  collective called humanity; in the Name of  the One who made it all. This skin feels really good!


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